4 x 3 Minute Race Rowing Intervals
Power-up your High Intensity Rowing Zone with this 4 x 3 Minute Race Rowing Intervals. This Intense Rowing Workout requires a big focus on Power and Technique.
Workout Snapshot
Detail | Time (min) | Rate |
Rowing warm up 15 min | 15:00 | 22 |
1 x 3 min | 3:00 | 26–28 |
1 x 3 min rest | 3:00 | - |
1 x 3 min | 3:00 | 26–28 |
1 x 3 min rest | 3:00 | - |
1 x 3 min | 3:00 | 26–28 |
1 x 3 min rest | 3:00 | - |
1 x 3 min | 3:00 | 26–28 |
Rowing cool down 10 min | 10:00 | 20 |
Total Time: 46 min | Work Time: 12 min | Intensity: TR | Strokes: 842 | Avg Rate: 25 | Work Rate: 27
Steps- Warm up for 15 minutes at following the TR warm up schedule.
- Take a short rest and prepare for the session.
- Row 3 minutes at 26 – 28 strokes per minute at TR Intensity Zone.
- Rest for 3 minutes
- Row again for 3 minutes at 26 – 28 strokes per minute at TR Intensity Zone. Repeat the rest/row cycle 4 times in total.
- Finish off by cooling down with some easy rowing for 10 minutes
- TR Warm-up 15 min
- Start with some easy half slide strokes for 1 minute
- Go to full slide after 1 minute, rowing light at rate 18-20
- After 2 minutes, increase your power to UT2 pace hold the rate at 18-20
- After 5 minutes, go to UT1 pace.
- After 7 minutes, stop and sip some water.
- Start rowing again and row for 3 minutes at your UT1 pace.
- Next, row light for 1 minute.
- At 10 minutes, do 20 strokes at your AT pace.
- Row light for 15 strokes.
- Row hard again at AT/TR pace for 20 strokes
- Row light for 15 strokes.
- Row hard again for 20 strokes at your TR pace.
- Row light and if you feel ready, stop and get ready for the workout
- Otherwise you can do another 10 stokes at TR pace followed by a short rest.
- Move your hands away from the finish smoothly.
- Break down each piece as a separate challenge to be completed. Approach each one as a stand alone workout - don't think about the next or the last workout.
- Concentrate on changing rate and power together. Learn to get the feeling of higher rate and higher power (speed) working together.
- Don't work too hard - focus on enjoying the rhythm and flow of the rowing movement.
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